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Releasing the Psoas Muscle (Hips / Low Back)

Regular price $40.00 USD
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The psoas muscles connect the lumbar spine through the pelvis to the top of the femur. When we are under stress, these become shortened and tighter, which can result in low back pain, sacro-iliac pain, sciatica, constricted vital organs and inhibited breathing through its symbiotic connection with the diaphragm.

As a result of prolonged periods of stress, the psoas is constantly contracted and consequently diminishes the body’s ability to effectively release tension. Relaxing the psoas allows the diaphragm to function properly, improving our ability to breathe deeply. This not only impacts every system in our body, it also improves our mental and emotional state.

This series of three, 1 hour Biofield Tuning group audio sessions works to release tension in the psoas muscles - allowing the body to relax and reoxygenate. Through these sessions, we explore the different emotions, fears, experiences and beliefs that are keeping tension locked in this area of our anatomy.

Many participants have reported very deep and tangible effects of relaxing and releasing their psoas with this series!

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